Today’s Miracle Moment is about the Power of having a Soul Family…

The other night, we had a joyous soul family party celebrating Sue and the launch of her fabulous new book, The Energy Codes. Sue has been working on this book for a long, long time and it was time to celebrate her.

You’ve probably heard the saying “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well it takes a village—a soul tribe–to create and launch a book, too! It’s been amazing to watch all the people who’ve come together to help support Sue in her journey.

It can really stretch us to receive outpourings of support. As Sue shared, “I’ve had to uplevel my receiver. I’ve had to increase my willingness to cellularly and consciously take it in, to let it be felt. It’s been so massive and from every direction from this tribe of people who have been in my life, in some cases for a decade or more and some very new. Now, they’re all surging forward in support of this book. I feel how incredibly potent the energy of support towards me is. I’m so used to giving and being in service, and I’ve had to tap into an entirely different set of circuits to fully receive. When we exchange on this soul family level, it’s very important that we open to receive as much as we give.”

I (Marci) have also seen how the most amazing developments in my life have come because of the support of my soul family, including the birth of Your Year of Miracles (with deep gratitude to Debra Poneman and Kim Forcina).

We invite you to dig deeply into finding who your soul family is.

Ask yourself, “Who is my soul tribe, and how can I open up to letting them support me in my bigger magnificence?”

Make a list of who’s part of your soul family and how you’d like support from them. Maybe pick up the phone or send an email asking for support. AND be open to receiving.

As you’re doing this you’ll feel your heart open though you might feel a little jittering inside: “Oh, should I ask? Should I really reach out in this way?”

That jittering is a part of you tapping in and coming to life in a new way. And, when you do tap it and allow it to be breathing along with the rest of you, then your soul family reveals itself (they may be different than the ones you thought were there for you). A greater resonance steps up into your life. And the next thing you know, you experience this divine sensation of support that helps everything unfold with greater grace.

As an old African proverb goes…

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

May you find the people you want to go together with, and may you have a beautiful time on the journey.

We are so thankful to be on this journey with you!

Please share with us what soul family means to you in the comments below.

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