Today’s Miracle Moment is about your Morning Routine for Miracles…

Having a morning routine is a great way to ground yourself for the day ahead. Research shows that willpower is highest in the morning, so it’s a great time to do the practices that will support you.

Ancient yogic sages have always known about the power of mornings. They saw the mornings as an auspicious spiritually charged time and would use the sacred energies of the morning to devote to practices like meditation or prayer.

In our modern times, well-known influential people swear by morning routines too. Richard Branson gets up at 5 am to exercise and spend time with his family before starting the day.  Gwenyth Paltrow gets up by 6:30 am and meditates first and then works out.

Even if all you have is 5 or 10 minutes on some days, you can still soak in the magic of this sacred time of the day and establish a morning routine to set your day up for miracles. 

Here are some rituals that can help set you up for a day full of miracles big and small…

1. Get a good night’s sleep – The first part of your morning routine actually starts the night before with getting restful sleep! Sleep is our body’s built-in healer, and it’s how our bodies restore, replenish, and recharge.

We need both the right quantity AND quality of sleep to feel well-rested, energized and focused the next day. And, it certainly helps us to want to get out of bed and start the day.

To improve your quality of sleep, you can go to sleep at the “magical hour,” which is 10:00 pm. According to Ayurvedic medicine, there are three cycles that occur twice in every 24-hour period–Vata, Pitta and Kapha. At 10:00 pm, we move into the Pitta cycle (from 10:00 pm – 2:00 am), and that’s the most important time for your body to recharge. An hour of sleep that you get before midnight is worth twice as much as the sleep that you get after midnight.

For a better quality of sleep, you can also stay away from TV screens for at least an hour or two before sleep. You can also take an epsom salt bath, and drink sleepy time tea or have calms forte or magnesium.

Try an experiment: For 3 nights in a row, go to bed at 10:00 pm and see how you feel on the 4th morning.

2. Spend time in gratitude first thing in the morning – When you wake up, one of the first things you can do in the morning is to spend some time in gratitude. What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life. When you start noticing all the miracles you’re already experiencing, big and small, you’ll experience even more. 

This is extra powerful if it’s in an area that you might be struggling in or it’s an area that you’re calling miracles in for. So if you’re having a challenge in a relationship, think of 10 things you’re grateful for in your relationships. If you’re calling in more financial abundance, spend time in gratitude appreciating 10 ways you have abundance in your life, even if right now, you’re focusing on things like: I have food in the fridge to eat. I have clean water. I have internet access to watch inspiring videos! 

By focusing on the good, you’re going to support even more good in those areas to grow.

3. Connect with the Divine in any way that feels meaningful to you – This could be meditation, prayer, or chanting, etc. As Mother Teresa said, “God speaks in the silence of the heart.” 

We all need some silence away from the rhythm of daily life that helps us plug in to our inner peace and inner connectedness. 

Find what brings silence to your heart. It could be chanting, or music, but it brings you to the silence of your heart.

4. Set some specific intentions for your day – Your intentions could be a specific feeling you want to experience like: I feel so energized, focused and creative today. Or, you might have a few specific goals you want to accomplish. Write those down, and then spend a few minutes visualizing yourself achieving those successfully.

See yourself going through the day feeling the way you want to feel while accomplishing the specific goals you have for your day!

All of these practices only take a few minutes, but can make a huge difference and help you to experience more miracles! Let us know in the comments what you’ll try for your Morning Routine for Miracles, or what already works for you.

Morning Routine for Miracles

May you have magical mornings that set the stage for miraculous days.

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