Today’s Miracle Moment is about letting go of whatever might be preventing you from living your miracles.

You’ve probably heard the concept that we all have to let go of the old to make way for the new. But what we’ve found is that some of us are really good at it and some of us struggle. I’m (Marci) in that second group. From a very early age I always had a hard time letting go of anything. Whether it was old clothes when I was growing up, or old toys. And as I got older it became hard to let go of old ideas that no longer served me, or old relationships that were no longer working.

There are many areas in our life in which we have to be skilled at releasing the old in order to make way for the new. There’s physical clutter that holds us back, there’s emotional clutter, like anger or resentment. There are thoughts and ideas and old stories that we need to let go of. And sometimes it’s people that we need to let go of who aren’t in alignment with us and our highest good.

And as long as we’re gripping, or clutching, or holding on, there’s no space to move forward in creating our miracles.

Here’s how they catch monkeys in Borneo…

When the natives want to catch monkeys, usually to sell them to the zoo, they want them to be unharmed. So they hollow out large coconuts and make holes the size of the monkey’s hand. Then they fill the coconut with the monkey’s favorite food, which is a green banana, and attach the coconut to a chain.

When the monkey finds the coconut he puts his little monkey hand inside to get out the food, but now that his hand is in it, it’s in a fist, he’s holding that banana inside, he can’t pull it out. Now some of the monkeys will pull and pull for hours until their little wrists are bloody, but they will not let go until the natives put them in a box and cart them away. The monkey would have been able to be free to continue to live in the jungle paradise but instead, the monkey’s unwillingness to release the small little banana left him forever trapped behind the bars of a cage.

What things are you holding on to that are keeping you feeling trapped? What are the things that are preventing you from living a miraculous life?

We invite you to begin by picking one thing to let go of—one thing to release your grip on.

Maybe it’s an old story of a bad experience you tell yourself over and over again. Maybe it’s a belief about yourself, or about somebody else. Maybe it’s physical clutter, that old car in the driveway that’s been an eyesore for years…or maybe it’s a resentment that you’re holding on to.

Write down that one thing to start the process of letting go to clear the space for your miracles. (We’d love it if you would share what you’d like to let go of in the comments below.)

Sending you much love as you enjoy letting go and the miracles that follow.

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